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Miyata, N. (2012) Die Übernahme der chinesischen Kultur in Japans Altertum: Kultureller Wandel im innen- und außenpolitischen Kontext [Chinese culture in Japanese ancient times: Cultural changes in domestic and external political contexts]. Dissertation, University of Bonn. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, and London: LIT-Verlag (Tübinger Ostasiatische Forschungen / Tübingen East Asia Research, BUNKA-WENHUA. Vol. 22) (in German language) (Published in November in 2012), 352 pages.

Miyata, N. Hans Kühne (1875-1963). Deutscher Diplomat in Japan. Von Blüte im Frieden zu Niedergang im Krieg. München: Iudicium-Verlag (Projekt in Zusammenarbeit mit Siegwart Graf zu Eulenburg, erscheinen im April 2019) (auf Deutsch) 


Monographs – Scholarly translation and/or Editorial work:


Asai, R. (1662), ed. and trans. by Miyata, N. Die Erzählungen vom Leben und Wirken des Divinationsmeisters Abe no Seimei [Tales about the life and work of a divination master, Abe no Seimei]. Freiburg: Herder Verlag (to be published in 2019) (Annotated translation of Abe no Seimei monogatari from Japanese into German language), ca. 150 pages.


Miyata, N. (ed. in collaboration with P. Pantzer and trans.) (2018) Shōnen shashinka no mita Meiji-Nihon: Michael Moser nihon taizai-ki [Meiji Japan in the eyes of a young photographer: Documents of Michael Moser’s days in Japan] (Provisional title) Tokyo: Bensei-shuppan (Edition and annotated translation from German into Japanese language), ca. 400 pages.


Moser, A. under supervision of Pantzer, P., ed. and trans. by Miyata, N. (2016) Meiji-Nihon no gen-fūkei to nazo no shōnen shashinka: Michael Moser no ko-shashin album to sekai ryokō [The landscape of Meiji-Japan and an unknown young photographer: The albums of old photographs by Michael Moser (1853-1912) and his round-the-world trip]. Tokyo: Yōsensha (Edition and annotated translation from German into Japanese language), 191 pages.


Collaborative monograph with Peter Pantzer (annotated edition):


Pantzer, P. und Miyata, N. (hg.) Eine Schatztruhe der frühen Meiji-Zeit. Michael Moser und seine photographischen Arbeiten aus Japan. Tokyo / München: OAG / Iudicium-Verlag(auf Deutsch)(Oktober 2019)(NEU!


Pantzer, P. u. Miyata, N. (hg.) Friedrich Kirchner. Mit der S.M.S. Kaiserin Elisabeth in Ostasien. Wien: Böhlau Verlag (auf Deutsch) (Mai 2019)


Edited volume (incl. supervision of translation):


Hakoishi, H., Miyata, N., and Pantzer, P. (2013) (eds.) Nichi-doku kōryū 150-nen no kiseki [150 years of Japanese-German relations]. Tokyo: Yūshōdō (sponsored by German Embassy in Tokyo) (in Japanese language) (Published in October in 2013), 345 pages.




Miyata, N. "Dr. Hans Kühne, deutscher Konsul in Yokohama 1908/1914, und die OAG". In OAG-Notizen. (in German language)(June 2018)
Miyata, N. "The Austrian photographer, Michael Moser (1853-1912) and early Meiji-Japan with a special focus on the World Exposition in Vienna in 1873". In: Institute of Civilization Research, Tokai University (ed.) Civilizations. (in English language)

Miyata, N. (2018) Kindai-nikki no gakusai-kenkyū: Nichi-ō hikaku no shiza kara [Interdisciplinary research on diaries in Modern Japan from the comparative perspective between Europe and Japan] In Tanaka, Y. (ed.) Nikki bunka kara kindai-Nihon wo tou [Modern Japan in the diary culture] Tokyo: Kasama-shoin, pp. 457-486 (in Japanese language)


Pantzer, P., and Miyata, N. (2018) Ostoria=hangari teikoku higashi-ajia ensei-tai to shashin: Burger & Moser korekushon no seiritsu katei [Austro-Hungarian Expedition to East Asia (1868/69) and photography: The development of the Burger & Moser collection] In the research group of vintage photographs of the Historiographical Institute at Tokyo University (ed.) Bakumatsu-Meiji shoki Nihon no genfukei: Kōseisai shashin gazō ni yoru shin jōhō wo yomu [The landscape of Edo and early Meiji Japan: Reading into the photographs of high definition]. Tokyo: Yōsensha, pp. 294-305 (in Japanese language)


Miyata, N. (2017) For whom are the Humanities?: From a comparative perspective of the history of research on autobiographical writings in Europe and Japan. In Bunmei. Special Edition: Dialogue between Civilizations. Kanagawa: Tōkai University, Institute of Civilization Research, October 2017, pp. 164-180 (in English language)


Miyata, N. (2013) Kokkyō-kakutei-i’inkai to Nihon-i’in [The demarcation-commission and the Japanese commitee]. In Hakoishi, H., Miyata, N., and Pantzer, P. (eds.) Nichi-doku kōryū 150-nen no kiseki [150 years of Japanese-German relations]. Tokyo: Yūshōdō (sponsored by German Embassy in Tokyo), pp.197-200 (in Japanese language) (Published in October in 2013).


Miyata, N. (2012) Die Hintergründe der Legendenbildung über Abe no Seimei, dem namhaftesten Divinationsmeister (On’yō-ji) der Heian-Zeit [The background of the legend - Abe no Seimei, a foremost divination master On’yō-ji of the Heian period]. In Triplett, K. (ed.) Mittel und Wege religiöser Tradierung in Japan [Religious traditions in Japan]. Halle-Wittenberg: Halle-Wittenberg University (Schriften des Zentrums für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien Band 1 / Publication of the institute for interdisciplinary regional studies Volume 1) (Presentation at the German Conference for Japanese Studies in 2009), pp.119-146 (in German language) (Published in October in 2012).


Miyata, N. (2011) Neuanfang. Ehemalige deutsche Kriegsgefangene fassen in Japan Fuß. Der Zuckerbäcker Karl Juchheim [A new beginning. German prisoners in Japan. A confectioner, Karl Juchheim]. In Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen and Verband Deutsch-Japanischer Gesellschaften (eds.) Ferne Gefährten. 150 Jahre deutsch-japanische Beziehungen [Comrades from afar. 150 years of German-Japanese relations]. Regensburg: Verlag Schnell & Steiner, pp. 209-211 (in German language)


Miyata, N. (2008) On the Power of Female Shamans: A Study Based upon Early Records in Two Japanese Mythologies. In International Christian University, Institute for Asian Studies (ed.) Asian Cultural Studies 34, pp.91-106 (in the English language).


Pantzer, P., and Miyata, N. (2007) Wem die Stunde, pardon, die Glocke schlägt: Von den 108 Sünden und dem Sengaku-Tempel, in dem diese getilgt werden [To make the bell sound. The Sengaku-Temple and redeeming from 108 sins]. In Legeland, M. L., et al. (eds.) Von Bauern, Beamten und Banditen. Beiträge zur historischen Japanforschung. Festschrift für Detlev Taranczewski zu seinem Sechzigsten Geburtstag [Festschrift for Dr D. Tranczewski’s 60th birthday]. Bonn: Bier’scher Verlag (Bonner Japanforschungen, Bd. 27), pp.83-98 (in German language)




Miyata, N. (2013) Japans erste Beteiligung an einer Weltausstellung [Japan participated in a World exposition for the first time]. In The Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Modern and Contemporary History (ed.) Wiener Weltausstellung 1873. Revisited [Vienna World Exposition in 1873. Revisited] (in German language) (Uploaded in May in 2013).


Miyata, N. (2013) Michael Moser (1853-1912). In The Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Modern and Contemporary History (ed.) Wiener Weltausstellung 1873. Revisited [Vienna World Exposition in 1873. Revisited]. (in German language) (Uploaded in May in 2013).


Scholarly translations from Japanese into German language:


Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen and Verband Deutsch-Japanischer Gesellschaften (2011) (eds.)  Ferne Gefährten. 150 Jahre deutsch-japanische Beziehungen [Comrades from afar. 150 years of German-Japanese relations]. Regensburg: Verlag Schnell & Steiner (Published in November in 2011), 324 pages.


The papers I translated:


1. Hakoishi, H. Max von Brandt und die deutsche Diplomatie in den letzten Tagen der Tokugawa-Zeit [Max von Brandt and German diplomacy during the last days of the Tokugawa Period], pp.61-67.

2. Takii, K. Japans Hinwendung zum deutschen staatsrechtlichen Modell [On the Japanese decision to accept German Constitutional Law as Model for Japan], pp.94-99.

3. Oda, H. Japan und Hans Paasche [Japan and Hans Paasche], pp.212-215.

4. Tanaka, Y. Einflüsse deutscher Bildung auf die japanischen Eliten während der Taishō- und frühen Shōwa-Zeit [The Influence of German education on the Japanese elite during the Taishō- and early Shōwa-Period], pp.216-220.

5. Tajima, N. Der Antikomintern-Pakt aus japanischer Sicht [The Anti-Comintern Pact from the Japanese perspective], pp.221-227.

6. Yasumatsu, M. Die Ausstellung ‚Altjapanische Kunst‘ in Berlin 1939 [The exhibition ‚Arts of Ancient Japan‘ in Berlin 1939], pp.231-236.

7. Hirayama, Y. Die deutsche Philosophie und das moderne Japan [German philosophy and modern Japan], pp.246-251.


Scholarly translations from German into Japanese language:


Hakoishi, H., Miyata, N., and Pantzer, P. (eds.) (2013) Nichi-doku kōryū 150-nen no kiseki [150 years of German-Japanese relations]. Tokyo: Yūshōdō (sponsored by German Embassy in Tokyo), 345 pages.


The papers I translated:


1. Graf Salm-Reifferscheidt, N. Aoki Shūzō. Doitsu to Nihon no hashi-watashi o shita gaikōkan [Aoki Shūzō. Diplomat as a mediator between Germany and Japan], pp.66-69.

2. Krebs, G. Nihon no furyo shūyōjo ni okeru Chintō no shubihei-tachi [Defenders of Tsingtau in prisoner of war camps in Japan between 1914 and 1919], pp.123-129.

3. Haberland, D. Varenius, Karon, Kenperu. Shiiboruto izen ni Yoroppa ni okeru Nihon rikai wo fukumeta hitobito [Varenius – Caron – Kaempfer. Milestones in transferring information about Japan into Europe before Siebold], pp.143-147.

4. v. Brandenstein-Zeppelin, C. Firippu Furantsu von Shiiboruto to Nihon kaikoku e no eikyō [Philipp Franz von Siebold and his influence on the opening of Japan], pp.148-153.

5. Mathias, R. Rūru daigaku Bōfumu no Shiiboruto ākaibuzu [Siebold-Archive at the Ruhr-University Bochum], pp.154-156.

6. Grigull, T. Gurasshi minzoku hakubutsukan shozō no Tokugawa-ke no Nō-men [The Nō-masks of the Tokugawa House in Grassi Völkerkunde-Museum Leipzig], pp.178-180.

7. Sommer, T. Ryō taisen no aida. Berusaiyu jōyaku kara Nichi-Doku dōmei, soshite sōryokusen e [Between two world wars. From Versailles through the Japan-German treaty to a total war], pp.187-196.

8. Käser, F. Wiruherumu Zorufu. Dai-ichiji sekai daisengo no shōdai chū-Nichi Doitsu taishi [Wilhelm Solf. The first German ambassador to Japan after the WWI], pp.201-203.

9. Fritsch, I. Riharuto Shutorausu. Dai-kangengaku no tame no Nihon no Kōki 2600nen ni yoseru shukuten-kyoku [Richard Strauss. Japanese Festival Music op. 84 to celebrate the 2600th anniversary of founding the Japanese Empire], pp.244-247.


Pantzer, P., trans. by Miyata, N. (2011) Seiyō no butai o kakenuketa suisei. Chū-Higashi-Yōroppa ni okeru Kawakami ichiza [A comet crossed over Europe. The Kawakami Theatre Company in Central and Eastern Europe]. In Chigasaki City Museum of Art (ed.) Otojirō botsugo 100-nen Sadayakko tanjō 140 kinen Kawakami Otojirō Sadayakko ten [Exhibition in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Kawakami Otojirō’s death-day and Kawakami Sadayakko’s 140th birthday]. Kanagawa: Chigasaki City Museum of Art, pp.88-92.


Pantzer, P., trans. by Miyata, N. (2010) Doitsu ni okeru Bunkyū ni-nen shisetsudan - ‚shachū nite gū’u su‘. Shiryō zatsuwa [Japan’s first diplomatic mission to Germany in the year 1862 - historical annotations]. In The University of Tokyo, Historiographical Institute, Centre for the Study of Visual Sources (ed.) Gazō shiryō kaiseki sentā tsūshin, No. 49., pp.4-8.


Pantzer, P., and Saaler, S., trans. by Fukuyama, M., Hirscher, K., Miyata, N., and Tsuji, H. (2007) Japanische Impressionen eines Kaiserlichen Gesandten. Karl von Eisendecher im Japan der Meiji-Zeit [An imperial ambassador’s impressions from Far East. Karl von Eisendecher and his career in Meiji Japan] Tokyo / München: OAG / Iudicium Verlag (The pages I translated: pp. 99-107 (in collaboration with Hirscher, K., and Tsuji, H.), pp. 165-167, pp. 187-190, pp. 211-213, pp. 233-237, pp. 279-284, pp. 347-350, pp. 379-384).

​© 2012-2022 Nana Miyata

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